Integrity. Cultural Respect. Excellence. Understanding.

An Imperial Wedding Gift Inspired Two Generations of Scholars
The Crown Prince Akihito Scholarship Foundation was established in 1959 to commemorate the wedding of then Crown Prince Akihito and Crown Princess Michiko.
The Crown Prince Akihito Scholarship is awarded to graduate students of Japan or the United States who are pursuing a subject area leading to better understanding between Japan and the United States.

University of Hawaii at Manoa:
The Nexus of U.S.-Japan Scholarship
With pivotal involvement by the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the scholarship is offered to two categories of graduate students:
- Japanese graduate students for study at the University of Hawaii at Manoa; and
- American graduate students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa for study in Japan.
The Crown Prince Akihito Scholarship Foundation’s vision is to positively impact the world through academic excellence. Scholars represent diverse segments of industry and academe. Areas of specialization include but are not limited to history, economics, business, anthropology, culture, political science, sociology, religion, and philosophy.

The use or reprinting of these photos are strictly prohibited without the permission of the CPASF – Honolulu, the CPASF – Japan Committee, and the Imperial Household Agency.