Scholars 1973-1980
Linda Schultz
Linda Schultz
MA University of Hawaii College of History. Language and History instructor at Coolidge High School in Washington, DC.
Hiroko Yasuda-Charles
Hiroko Yasuda-Charles
Tsuda College International and Cultural Studies.
Daniel Zoll
Daniel Zoll
MA University of Hawaii College of Japanese Literature and Masters in Library Studies.
Chizuko Allen
Chizuko Allen
PhD and MA University of Hawaii College of East Asian History. Assistant Director of Student Academic Services, University of Hawaii, School of Hawaiian, Asian & Pacific Studies; Specialty/Field: History of Japan and Korea.
Janet Ikeda
Janet Ikeda
PhD and MA Princeton College of East Asian Studies. Associate Professor at Washington and Lee University; East Asian Languages and Literatures; Specialty/Field: Japanese Literature (pre-modern).
Atsuko Kikuchi
Atsuko Kikuchi
MA University of Hawaii College of Linguistics. PhD University of Auckland College of Linguistics. Professor, Kansai University; Institute of Foreign Language Education and Research; Specialty/Field: Linguistics.
Naoko Otobe
Naoko Otobe
MA University of Tsukuba College of International Studies. Works in Geneva, Switzerland at the United Nations Country Employment Policy Unit.
David Shaner
David Shaner
PhD and MA University of Hawaii College of Japanese Philosophy. Professor Emeritus at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina where he taught for 30 years.
Emi Morikawa
Emi Morikawa
BA in Japanese Language at the University of Hawaii. Waseda University – Certificate of Completion in Language Teaching. Retired secretary to the President, First Hawaiian Bank.
Jody Yamamoto
Jody Yamamoto
MA University of Hawaii College of Second Language Studies also Professional Diploma Secondary Education. Former Kapiolani Community College instructor for Second Language Studies.
Roy Yoshimoto
Roy Yoshimoto
University of Hawaii College of Asian Studies.
Roland Nishimura
Roland Nishimura
MA University of Hawaii School of Architecture. PhD University of Tokyo College of Engineering. Building Manager for State of Hawaii Department of Health, State Laboratories Division
Rae Tadaki
Rae Tadaki
BA with Distinction University of Hawaii College of Japanese Language.
Haruyoshi Matsumoto
Haruyoshi Matsumoto
PhD University of Hawaii College of Ocean Engineering. Associate Professor Senior Researcher at Oregon State University.
Jo Ann Akamine
Jo Ann Akamine
Professional Diploma and MA in Education from the University of Hawaii. Retired Japanese language teacher at Iolani School.
Raymond Funamoto
Raymond Funamoto
MA University of Hawaii College of Art.
Naomi Hirano-Omizo
Naomi Hirano-Omizo
PhD University of Hawaii College of Education. Retired Japanese language teacher at Punahou School.
Jerome Tsuda
Jerome Tsuda
MBA in Asian Economics at Sophia University. Retired Vice President, International Banking Division, Bank of Hawaii
Dorelle Ueki
Dorelle Ueki
BA University of Hawaii College of Asian Studies. Retired medical translator. Translator at Simul International-Tokyo.
Carl Becker
Carl Becker
PhD in East-West Comparative Philosophy at the University of Hawaii. Retired Professor and Chair, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Sciences; Social Behavior (Psychology, Sociology and Religion); Specialty/Field: Medical Ethics, Bioethics, Terminal Care, Death & Dying.
Sharon Minichiello
Sharon Minichiello
Deceased 10/4/18. PhD in Japanese Modern History University of Hawaii. Professor of History and former Director of the Center for Japanese Studies at UH Manoa.
Gail Nomura
Gail Nomura
PhD University of Hawaii College of Japanese Modern History. Retired Professor of American Ethnic Studies at the University of Washington, Department of Ethnic Studies.
Ruth Robertson
Ruth Robertson
BA in Japanese at the University of Hawaii. MA Harvard University College of East Asian Studies
Jayna Tanaka
Jayna Tanaka
Ms. Jayna Tanaka – MA University of Hawaii College of Japanese Literature. Instructor at Waseda University, School of Political Science & Economics; Specialty/Field: English Language; Consultant, writer.
Lillian Nakagawa Miyasaki
Lillian Nakagawa Miyasaki
MA Stanford University College of East Asian Studies. JD University of California Berkeley School of Law. Retired attorney at GCA Law Partners in California. Former partner, Coudert Brothers LLP (corporate law)